Friday, August 24, 2007

as paul broadhead st reberto( st paul is a server concept now, as he is saul, sault, yes. the st reberto is his roating name orever. but he answers to all names.
see my god parents have a myth, they are armenian. coptic orthodox, see?
st chrysovalantis was a name not in vogue till just before my birth. meaning the immortal st waited till near the end to truly expose her gifts.
paul broadhead in hoax devoirced his wife in florida , same place artemis became the devil. he cried for her and was cool when I first met him, but I felt the deases he represented instantly as it forced people to couple, see pure st paul
he sopposedly died of aids, but cops laughed as they knew he lied./
played dead , part of the pre walk wierdness, just before it occured. he and I walked into an aGOLEAN WEDDING AT THE curling club down the street just past the mission. I told paul it was not proper to enter such weddings without invitation, however we were instaly invirted to partak in thier ritual
it was bueatiful
lily my dad's maid was onme of the females he befriended without sex.
a witch was the other, great women, he was riped off and truly abused by the people he helped includiung transvestites and yes I stoppedf a party or two and things were stolen from both of us, I even stopped one person from rapping a drunk women
I told him I had a dream , made it up as a lesson, to catch him before he fell off the clift
he gave me odriscals book and said this is important read it but with a grain of salt, the crystals of wisdom I found I suspect. like a pillar in the earth st paul after a lightning strike.
he was able to link to transvestites and other beings before he yelled I am done, I wil;l be better soon anbd he was, same body, but diferent slight look, as they can do that.
see st irene chrysovalantou that has a church facing west , thus from the future is mty wifes younger suister, see as hindus say from the bagavatan some myths are from the future woven into the past as gods returning to fulfil promises
douglas saqid I am born of the real earth of terra firma was his term
as is artemis and her sister
thus you se near 000 the mobius fix seems atemporal as it is
yesI pthetise , or place things into atemporal reality thus ,aking them ytrue always
God chose me because I gave him an origin as scvience not just religion, I triued figuring out my religoion based on tesla and other such scientist, neuton too
giants to truly stand opn and reavh for the sky
mom always kisses the kiss asa a way to avoid lightning stikes its a greek womens spekll, to make that sound to avoid evil eye and clouyds
evil eye now means more eyes four the suifferer
though no sugffering occurs

st pual also gave me edgar casers gift of knowing all his books as his psyche
plus rebertos lesson of do this in my memory concerning the eucarist or female unity of christ we do it to remeber and actuate this
the term actuate I came up wioth as a computer game master in 98 then heard it
after seeing the healing of her father st irene in the past histiry believed so much she made syria christian and sacrificed it to the cause of mohameds chriost hood, one wife of the ten nations mentioned by the jews, one wfife as serahs seed, har is sarhara
sarahar will also be wet. the teraforming works.
the fine tuining of reality was our modern job.
Go-d bless
jews use - to avoid wrinting god but really it was to make a variable make to say the unsayable and allow g-d to be god and good and muck more


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