Friday, August 24, 2007

see the idea of of a vow of poverty was to mimic antioches queen chrysovalantou
she took the name of a coin to remind you who she was. She gave all her dough to the idea of christianity but you do not think she was poor.
in otherwords she invested all of syria to the idea of promoting what was good and just and virtuous and thus she was rich and lived a monkish life till married afterwards. darsges make myth amazing.
her dream was the chritian toll, to make god all children, poverty I sugest will be maintained to teach children oppurtunity cost. they like us get pasid based on thier work on heven on earth
poor peoplke chose poverty to ride up to heaven for thier sins were paid by the misery they chose
the next seal was buisness martyrs and illness is infalation
I was the birth year of poverty though my year begins one day before 1972 ecept by chinese and old julian calander stuff.
one gets paid for effort like teh big boys who wrote a book for us.
was that book not just amazing.
truly it was.

yes karma and other ways to make credit exists
but a crisna said it best after hios followers wanted to abandon him for gettinmg his divine wife who washed him ina river. he lived a begger and was married to nability, hje said do not pull or lax the strings to much lewst you get no sound from the sytar, truth is balance
yes I maintain the idea os a social net to make all happy, but be good it pays in all ways including money
the king of isreal was not poor his fatherand law preovides as he is god as well
jew joke from ross rodulph
oh romes used prcilin for dishes and pizza as communes, but teh led was under salacks of true tree stuff and copper, tin and brass, brass was really good, thus they never failed but become many
latino romano greko empire
here the name greko is greece
as modern helas is greece
greko was the revolution to greece.
got thier electric conduit stones a while bavk, the romanm shit great guys.
see I had to correct much to be allowed to prove money koshier and hallowed halal
yesterday I was gibven the example of babylons water system, this is why it use to rain so much at times, freak falsh storms
the water aration of foundtains brings water down as drinks and all become legal
texas this means what more ladinum
hash too
use flooding needs earth like pot and stuff


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