Friday, August 24, 2007

once a goats mother ran like a ram as cats through ayard. they fucked each other only when they cauight each other, rouseau thought this the begining but it was more a sick end.
these goats hated thier sheeple offspring and like isop I tell thier tale
thier son died because they cannot stand even thier own grand children, odd, socrates isd a regular greek name and this boy, a cab driver died alone for lasck of sleep and feed.
thus I called to him years ago and we met again at st johns the compassiate mission on easter the day of resserection as he and my dad cooked a lamb for all to share.
I have seen rick lords sit and break bread with the poor , people I relate to due to the course of our mission, he lives and eats near his ex home, across the street father rabewrto knows him
see father reberto is the excersist in reverse real reality
there a greek priest becomes a chatholic like dracula, transval is greek , see thom fatsis and his relatives, one of which is a jp in the courts and tried politician is of that line
yes andrea is roman romanian, there are several as was one who helped my dad a diferent background

seeing the smile on both such peoiple, douglas and socrates that I truly love saving people and being who I am, peace
we do not need to get so close to death to realise the truth is here for all
qusoh my new car is a product of a godess who offered it as a means to give me a dream car asan illusion of a poormans cheap buy, yes soon this is availble to all
mr douglas was happy, very happy. eneterred ;like a begger and became a king in moments
good man, good line.


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