Sunday, September 09, 2007

I forgot to mention: the age of revolution began with the call for tax reform. The temporary system that has outlived the wars that fostered it. Moreover, the ideas engendered in the minds of the new infants has caused greater events to occur.
Amongst the ideas of the enligfhtenment, I lived out the modern scientists from nueton to the avatar of lightning ben franklin. I saw the light of thier building and experienced the light of the masonic illunminatus. I went to place one can build inventions based on ideas and got a lightbulb that world of negative electricity, Tesla was in this place amongst other inventers like micheal angelo, here ether ships work. However , the lack in knowledge in the real world often relogates these machines to the sheleves up to and untill one reaises the laws that govern these phenomena. I also offered myself as the fiorst world leader based on a common vote that will be instilled and fostered by the miracles that are coming up. These will grant me the authority I was promised, but by then I will be more powerful than anyone based on the herculean grant, the jurgenaug\t invicibility attributed to enouch in the new testiment of the bible and much more. Once the new world system is anagorated and my term ends a new election will be called. recall please these powers were granted only because I was willing to rule the world only after no one better could be found. This is a good thing and the immortal invulnerabilty allows all that is needed to be actualised. It is the children ingragnated with this ideal that causes this to occur and of course the children prior to this are the ones that made it possible.
This will happen and it will better everyone
G-d bless

the arm,inias are hittites.


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