Wednesday, August 29, 2007

inca ropes were the gordian knots spoken of by tyhe greeks, see alexander got there as myth has it
the use cut the knot in panama, lived with the idea of progress, its a good thing, cause that kind of science clones and does immortaslity genetics
God(s) bless you. yes ruski labs like china man good too, oh world really did catch up us good worek
take a guy from christ time like simon peter sdhow him the ice rinc in arabia and that wisdom makes him fall and worship
why cause its ix or christ or just goldenb teck guys god stuff
wooden is golden
see now trace that back

my uncler was devoired by the red dragon
smilimng in front of my mom asllowing my uncle to appear as him seeming to want to devoir me
uncles future soul is good, that is inside him as the old catches up after p[inishments to its concurent synchronised self
always saw that attack as red dragon uncle on my since way before 1990, I equated for fun

now howwe many philosphers wrote of stories like my uncles sopposed attack on lasdman
bet it never happened
many people write of boksthat did not exist but l;ike love crafts necronomicon they came to exist and were later found
new genesis is harsh
actually lineate to spirit of the lasw
will be uinearthed soon
its written as the first tablets of moses wrote vals christian universal all religion views
it casrbon dates to before the 10000 year old one in dead see scroll collection
that it itself saws there was an adam prior to 5 thousdand years
true jeramy mcdounald told me but as a scholar and showed me proof.

I have books on the nag of hamarabi( his wife) and dead sea scrolls to boot
ya sons of elhiom god(s) are angels but good ones elan pegal
oengels fgemale altero ego
prof pengalk of once u of T.
he moved to new nod or ceter of universe
odd that muchens of rael created helped doing so the very creator who dreated them
thus they are thier own gods sharing gods divinity ass I do
Elohim the shioning ones

qus or say U as in ureka and you are naked in our realms running like nuts praising science a great face of god know it or knot
agnostics so fuck you ios a blessing for bval
yes and you too
nothing you say ror dio has not been blessed for us, so hjoin us join our kegend as we are represented by hog town
a pig
running to castch ourselves before we hit ground off that ckliff, I cought them all heray
many helped tyhanks christ we save the skins as cl\oths as each redeamed legen denamo is now a human and much much more

yes feast on tres with p[ig flesh tastes
eat fleshg bless it and then go bavk to what you desire to eat knowing that it does not matter yet the idea of rent from weeds is truly a hebrew thing. ,uslims addeed ysa we did shit like that too
see we reached a level where we do not settle on what exists we make it better and look for new things were the old could not be thouyght of to be found
,eaning we truly know how to progress our worlds and calcium and other chemicals can make a milk tasting juice like tango tang which truly tasted like jkoolade blood today
see I drink once in a while blue moon works too, sometime more often but see I say drink, be good and peaceful and as I have tried it I knock notrhing as it is all good and I feel that it is, as I know it
however once in a blue moon i truy something difrent like the beledona special at thuna
good stuff be nice if yuou want some, ask forroger.
they are all cool people
noah has an arc in Toronto sells dfrugs and herbs of all kinds its openly onbloor near spidina and young street
odd the names you find everywhere
the burning bushes have faces now
goldvalatis golden valen has a face now too, the st was named iurene , the golden valentine is a nuns taken name for adulthood.
in fact she has a chick named both herfirst name and the title adult name, thus my womans sister is theface of thefull saint
she fucked way before my women did,m ythough not orally
thus the st chose our way as theright way askiung me permission every time
m,ade her think about it and check her past ideas of it but she told me last time I sqw her that it was her choice and she is happy with it
berjuiuo did get a boyfriend/husband just after the wonderwoman crown appeared, the two outside crowns arte ozzy wonder;land

I am thinking any things worth mentioning?


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