Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ok to understand how the number of the beast is a culculation variable and yes 666 on the risk dice look at abraham lincohln adreess as 4 score and.... as a year
its many things, but risk was goodf
master mind in interesting
checkers is noble loards checking each other, like check mate, but they jump over each and are kings right? well crowned lords, families,the kings of the extra queens in checkers

during the american civil war the bradley brothers sopld chess pieces to both the norghh and the south, trying to achive peaceful understanding they got a game out of what both sides kept saying to them, its a game of life.

that was a us fiorst and then came monopoly during the next ression. depression in the thirties,
one of the first pre parker brothers games included free parking as the place you put the money from though out of prison and taxes.
the community chest of chance or fotune

now life is like candy land you start and finish at an end.
in life you get choices and based on that you move
memory is another game that was popular
but diplomacy was the war game of the thirties wadiggton of canada invited it
no dice pure strategy and diplomacy, one assignes pieces to tasked secretly on paper and then you can have armies enter territories and sopport them with your unites or allies( if they in secret wrote that as a command) lots of back stabing available
the original map included nortrhern africa, teachers and clubs and world wide varieds have been invited by avalon him the ones who had purchased the rights from wadinton. milton bradly owns thenm all now, why cause, the game designer owner loves war games as much as me
west end games was owned by the largest showe manufactor in the americas . smar kinds
avalon hill was amonarch printers who scored yorkintos games who printed once on record almums covers as games, avalon got to keep the games as company that wanted them printed went bankrupt.

axis and alies is naftas
role playing was un type stuff. us bread but very internatially created. formed and so on.

yes early foprmulas for extrating poppy opium and coca from the leaves produced heroin and coke andcrack and crystal meth
yes our methods are good and sciuentific but these drugs predate thier modern chemical counterparts.

see why mytics in south america call their potience malages
many chatholics in south america love thier cocoio cokeproducts cacoa
romans like grreeeks smoked mint and chocolate, americans did too
mint smoking was cat like and origin of mint as dope,
basils mint is like an fro, tiny leaves
yes christ smoked chocolaste opium, pot mint and who knows what else as he chilled drinking and teaching , as nothing more that conversation amongst good people

see biuble

oh I look like david caresh
espo during the caresh thing
brank druidians
dravidiand davidians

problem what did he do wrong> well lots
nort the sexual stuff, that was exuse
did not go to us government first yes
he tried being great above governments without tjhier premision, meaning the idea of a one world government is thier dream as much ass mine
coresh is an odd us game to hgelp crean government
sneaky us , but it worked cleaning right side of evil, not the entirety of it is evil not suspect.

reactionaries are people to, ciummnist true man
to reactionary ju mugi
meaning game of animalds on movie
what happens if you burn an emprty building off as an example of what not to do
val says be better than koreshes image and val tries to
love ya
way dude
britain is warhammer, nobles love miniture war games
axis and allies was in my time


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