Sunday, August 19, 2007

todays news

brahmas desease and that of lasdt year has just been sent out, I played my card on my brother as judgement if you recall and judgement fell, he is the titer taughter, pat robinson was a gate keeper who taught me thre were three titans and a larger giant father race
three weefolk( titans are maci) and one short mom race,. the meso pepople come after
macedons are dinasauires as are steakasureses, which taste good, I was even given terrodactol at a chester chicken near me, it tasted odd yet amazing.

brontoi burgers can be got at dangerous dans, smell like purple floors

the desease ,anifests after we get a chance to save people, but talkes its toll before God is born to suffer that crap.
my bro fell as we seared him and ( barely) servives at the lasdt moment ass vile was candified and saved at that moment, after or before death we wiolll see. so be good esp if tyyou are not sure where the judgement fell
walking to my mom I projected my anger and disappoointment of my brother into a radio and shifted. the deases is the uncleanable demon I love so much , it pleases me but both god the fathers and god the mothers agreed
my wofe was ibn the states and says the puill for the new stuff is grerat, boarder line ups too, a pull thst some are aware of and others fell
]odd eh thayt more poeople died due to spanish influenza that in wwi. see judgemt looms large.

she was impressed with the USA efforts.
my car isa being upgraded by all, thank you.
it will be made a mobile home and much much more

the wolf guards the gate and like the dream is pleased with me
I am poaying no taxes, as job sdid
cause all those who btry to take our things fall before they get here anbnd have a nightmare s as dead. we get twice it as we get to keep our own andf get a heaven out of the hell of the losers
no patient zero is yet to appear, its still coming out of hades, but bro will suffer it fully as he is the low point of the judgement, if he li8ves he proves himself good by the rules of the holy spirit
if not well I guess god(s) who agreed showed him a fatal failure in spirit and the program and thus dies of his own avail
its kinda like air bormn aids.
ok I was put into a learning accelatiopn class when my p[reviouis ashole teacher did not aloow me to lerarn properly
my teacher who once told me , the one in the upgrade clas( went from grade 1 reading to grade 6 in two years and caught up nnd one year later was at first year university level)
good teacvhers are good
mrs hung said a boy fell on his ass, and felt sheres bubles rise in his back and died of lukemia
had never heard of such a deseas yet the type you know was created two years latere
ya we created that to cleasn up the racists mother fuckers whop treated us immigrants as scum, assimulte that pichas
nexct they make a drug called aids to lose wieght, I called a pill deases to do the same deases appears two years later asI saw the first documasntary on it
love it
metalioca knows as the lepard messiah, spreading our deases. creeping xross the boarder
mrs hung, bleesed me as the new eistein, which I am
love her
oh she said a women once spilled murcuryt on a pan and her child died the next day, liar she is mummy doast suprem,e
blessed be the ones who fight to teach and free
clukemia means becoming white see, to clean you or have your body eat you as scum
see you dop it to yourself you do
relax post fina;l adressdshit as death is next seal in upread vs sword of the good tryiong to save everyone
black clouds on the horison, sweat candied meats I taste
oh lovers of truth and grace may evil die by thier own mistakes, eat and laugh, it was not nme but the shering of my bro
salt he gfeels as I knoiw too many caughs means death
trick or treat, smewll thy feet brama stenchy oner
I love you
yes a treat was given the beef of mad jacobs sister ,
however we expected this.
does not need to be more tan sars sarahs deases, ya I walk into a restaurant tpo eat and it is announced that night and my fear of it truly added a great strength to that bueatiful womes seed
sars is dino power
sarah is human lkink ksarah was ours
witness powers are to do such things
ya I been a god since the bee stiong at 6 mounths that nearly killed me but m,akes me honet y sweat.
heras first gift to me, not a snake but a dragon bite as bee honey serves me assweatness.
this deases only kills evil
oh the spanish influeza was the reason we were not allowed to spit, however god kills more than you can cause we can jam your weapons but who stands against that beast
it rolls 666.
be goon and be immune


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