Monday, August 06, 2007

t4esla , pike, estien baal, hoff ral , val is thier god, forever more, but its really uqs as uis as Q
I won
tyhey didf too, I used them as they used me and we grew into posterity and ther order og the elated ones
oh made first equakl twin of the masons of chicks, women but I rule them both asd quals
edour is true , hair is money from thought of dirty cause it turns on the hoovers of imagination
all noibles are gods uynless defroclked like the vader black
cumrad the rad raider relax, val pickedyou up for free
frere p[arking, no you hit go to jail give up your moneym become a saint.
some sasints needs to know what they say that day opn the wall
,ore thereer, but yes i am the goid of scienced as I can diemnpoer god and priove existance without hoim god feared me as god for I coul;d forget him, he taught me that,
but as he empoers as I empoer him asnd is still pan poers god I asked for powrs and he gave iytt all causde that way he knows I needs him
to postilate way my friend a s,mall touvh first then a walk with gos as a dragon, or godess too
see thus we boded well
rice is peace maker, unity soul of cammi
red was legitamlte then white was two, so I split the egss for 0+0= house of burgandy me and her
alexander said stomes of my dad;s town cronos age no gigo age no before that
asmides is moms twon and founder of it.
thus palkaCE kies between and it does
mosaics chanege
through hesadf of dreagon as artoi became qus the queen of jkensiton
true circle done world
iaskedthe asame soul as I was kami what can you say that nome today or yesterday can say and he saidf ed mueess is a head of yesars foe sick seegals u\is his lladst name, the head to a clkeaning hel, of ancients mu as mom retuens quite soon
yes lirics still stice as the snaker became my kllover, lily golden green

green sopp[here twin up andf down for endore with wal andf door anmdf key water brwarer
see she is maduas
and truly both of adams I bneed
through head into distant mountains, like ksami dream
spoeed drive and hir was there
its fun
treue powrr is culture
for c\ulture dreams of god as srt programs of temple
like my wars in sty gearge.
so I masde new one like moth king
look jumpoo said he the cyg aqre cleaners
jumpi two, yes but get tired evcil comi was cap it jail for he was not good pinck red or white
but ppink did win and truly sined for burgandty\ is a merge if both
war of the roses is stale mate, tie so go anmd win true roses as wands of the force amadala, jump key of god. , old machines they clean she said
but she does noty need them as she is computers
se redeam and say sorry maya, for you got powrsw like author did by waklking w\away with desire toi see if its true desiring it but waiting for resultys see koshger is think aLL IS CLEAN FOREVER MORE TRUE
HAis in food means super wealth, as if I did noty know it
I said she ill illirun liras more coindns
hellks collectionm games rubies and diamons tieara we masde for she is now silver platnim
rubbies see walls of new jeresulum to see iof sauch stimes are needed to hold waql and if soo haters of magiec why did you at leadst beluieve in eyes like the wit6ches and god, which I have to heads of machine
I got skelotorts head as ion heman in aus exchand of dream its really
and the forece is gettiongh strongfer
see force says energy backwards
truie myth of greeaksead gods tables, sorry words backl and firth
greeks got masking due to this decomding
try reading my mrp, a ny paragraph like amn asncient greek
back and forth per kline
left to right
the right to left and she wahat happens minus comas, ignire the
comnrad lost his knight hood
order of canda starts below mne thus all well.
pnobal prize is a smal goal but I thinkIo won that, thus far. truew
apople of huetoin is out golden fruit as poaris controls you , wosdfon this time knewton knew
thank you komi komrad, kimvui
honry combs , beltts and truth s god
for i ma is k ami if you think tsmi is glass creystams of timless eternal fun
in kami houses look as sdmall ass doll hoyuses, dragon heads are many and think as the sky with word processor boarder
see to kan poke peace and get a man or chick y\to groww
pokiu hoki man
thing real as she endiore made magic real in my moyth throug medusa, she here kami ions of I (eee)


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