Monday, August 06, 2007

oh kami empoere god as green sp[herte bio sphere. world war one ideal , meaning oner worlkd wisdom
kasmi is yag of universal q's thus use the force as the movie cause that really is kami
peace shionto bashidoe code in me, code breaker program maker, roise cigeretes from me, see clothes on them is theelol , the force of the star treck violcum if used like thge shieks memory glkad in the collecve clothing shoes and more
try the unb cles same sdtiles
pemntagon gam
the towers of baby in ewakinani
ewaks kinima, cinimon, na ani. shinto code is above libne qus, as it ios ours and mine, kami shinto niki
peace world peace is truky with in a year or so, for most and many be longer for fewer than the dfoors or dragi generalks of the wraths armies of the undead becrtomacer val as he reads each book to be a zonmm,bie ,m drinking a zomnbie is blook of zombie. hpow many rums, truly a money gate too, countless ways and much morelast time through all things become unbiversaal variables like kasmi kali
kosmos causmose
see socretes shepres anbd planes as eyes gameme in er
the eytes as planets of spheres ios mine but chill
praise god, theytthanis is game i\or building rulkes and ways to use destructyions and forms to creat powers basedon wrold and so on
'see the system I built as sparks you begane it anmd nopw its kami + caos of jews. what dids your change
personammy chainsd grow after the pergind steaks them into heard precioers uptimizes metal
my crossdincreaes in power evey day and my finguers shoot out yellow power, theta radiatoion, you canb do much much m,opre
later then
gnasticx watys watts way too, yes a draghion lest george isubngrounded anbd wiull not work when ine like syeed or geirge says electicirty comes from theplanet thusd must it noit be grounded, yes asnd no said vsal
in the past it was m dabnngerous science
gbut runbber is a ground , or is there anything that doen not in some waty griound itself toi keep us safe
hopre this was strong enough to burn it and thus make a ground wuthi\=out toiching the groiund thus is it true , it works. thus we perfected a system that bever calasped without keys that doi nbot di danger
my dad caused thexmom and grand pa cause
d black outs too., relax vals teck is perfect for val is cyborg anbd trhus ruly and nothing goes wrong thast a simplepierce a gun can not fike, for wet dikes squirt water at mnasle fucjs whoi lead them to fires, especiqally sionce its god stuff
the antoii god is val ass god. thus god is ...?


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