Monday, August 27, 2007

something quick before I leave to begin retriving the car the same day the magus godess, godess gives me the blessed money back, a hundred dollar bill blessed by a candle
yes her repo is god and his avatar, me.
it worked

ok important
in 1991 us and iraq and french weapons amongst other things screwed up things
the rsian hafd commited harui carry over the baltic states nailing the coffin in para strike you
ha ha
dumb no slavic speakers
it fueled its war machine of peace, it won , rusia us ussr priuor kinda.
now war on terrorism is the deseas of the gulf war, it skipped a generationb but there it was adultery. the last real politics was that, see I was alive and old enough to see the bullshit as I also was the loudest concerning its prophetic reality. see they are playing the forward next assesment there. so peace keep and be safe.
gulf war was nuclear and thus sent things forward till asnti mater stoped it yet went over it. beyobnd it is a better way to say it. now the nations after that changed. jahad destroyed both sides, yet the guardians were already here, so it was seale4d like a power plain or magic, look, hydrogen bomb could have destroeyed teh atmosphere casacding to total destruction which of couse is a plain creator at the higher ;levels

the gulf war was the right type of wrong as it was sealed empty and filled backwards as x files was the first to make the myth real, " there was a ground war where they were shotting each other on thier own sides"

now being good means nothing happened but the cannons as we then realise we imprison backwards, was always the case.
see napoleon was short not of that time, me propable, I suspect.
who else copuld? dad then in riusoia declares me conquere of the world, I need to bone up on my french.

yes you can all evetually be these things.
doli really consifdered himself a monk as god took that ability not to be away from him, as he was born without the manhood of genetiles as we know them, like uncle george a relative who with a simple operation could and is now normalk
my bro is of my mom's genes.
dad's are good too.

see death to sickness as sickness to death is revolting point in usa history as it was tyhier age from berlin wall falling to now as chinma ate mcdounalds and japanese toshibas, called western teck
so japan you west not east
they said so
meaning like fate described in the book choses were made yet new choices can help us avoid trhe trafic jams and accidents we preset as we steer into pareles places without the armours of God(s)
ya peak of us was 3,5 years from berlin wall falling, then 3.5 years to death mark well plus .5 klion time and now new one starts with kolasis,
he is a rose who won fairly in florida where the devil became my wife.
but true.
love you till latyer
us god 7 years at the top, now its co-alition, see all including muslim leaders are co-alition, no one except losers are anti coalition
they want to leave
lkook, they want to go hoime
yet they will stay till thier mission and tour of duty is done, as I do
I just change the face of the battle ground planting corn where jugles grow, intys from a movioe where corn wins hearts like medals on lapels of red poppies and opium dreams be cool
popies are opium dreams thgus the key
yes snow in oz once more
may the hand of god and her fist be with you


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