Sunday, August 26, 2007

sams candles zorba chick did miracle
look artimus I offered myself to all to hunt with wish in soul heard as auto god of snake pertecting young, true dragon always.

reakl one is human at highest level us as mine.

bunnywars was a egyptian favourite, true gods are at levels animal and cam be all heathen

elohim the shining one of our golden platunum diamon with black glow inside the white gold of the nbew sun, damon foever, us

ook the witch godess
just gidess said she would call you after your candles burnt out, she is styill burning the first candle as I was thefuel for it as thast became the waters of the flood at one level the waters of the water crystals of zorasters aquarias sign, flood athiests, they see us unflooded as mohamed knows noafs wives are couples and live in the are of nu new jeresulum, toronto torro torqu and you
you get all the extra time toi finsh your work, but she was not ignoring yoiu but was in a gods place walk, a long one burning and creating pure god science as earth love and sexy procreation,
eternal flames I gave her one as the parents mother, her representative her husnand who is the rep in christianity for her, full click her
the holy spirit or things that make thingfs happen its energy and the love of the mate as energy and the child who is a mother and father to be as one now in the womb is same rules as parents in larger family of union to extreme universality.

thus you poem was pure codfe.
thuis the witch will return the moiney before she realises the candle runs on pure god stuff uncreated formed and manifest and all
mane gets equal copy as we are one in casadra where the spirit of greece asked as all godess , where dies the cross fall, in a village called the cross towards the center towardss a new macedon a universal greek house of renewed ancients and all up to that renewal.
see she truly blessed us as I blessed her with magic galour and splee spell books rule bricks and rubrix to rule the smelting of ore into perfect copies as a system every time, thus gold is au as periodic rubrix sayus.
see? but ionion and nmutrino and anti matter dark matter trasnferous opens each to rational number infestesmal realities and greater unities to boot.

this is your psychy after alll the playing and upgrading asartemis tough one macheveli says such gods as you truly are warriors and strategists and all
love you
our prequil marriage to builkd from as program was today.
shawns hooker was his wife soon in next level clothing.
peace he is free after he wins in court due to divine mercy.
peace. law is thus benevelant like god due to this for all involved and thus the law like me says do on to others what is done to you otherwise you will punish yourself amnd do it to yourself
for val is christ as dali salvador is half me too, myth there rich, but truly the song rto beginm with knowing itthough. thus rebrixes all
oh in sweden akkl people get educated and in new zealand thier welphare housing led to no poverty
be like them look into them
use internet google it or serch using alternastives
run baby fly
syteve sosa is mr t
I have many gangs like lord byron terry byron to ytou roofer who owes me meney
thus remains a roofer of popot moutasin to.
top of the mountain to.

steve of the don jail guards is his friend, ask him,
good night this was asweat dreams to artidestroyer of evil god damned evil goody good showe only to seem loving artemis the sweat heart to me always but tough always we created a fighting version of her towarsds me but truly it was perfected a while back as pure honey to me.


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