Saturday, August 25, 2007

ok look if you have infinite probability as a safe system of divining then regulating yourself is like feeling so much guilt that you prefer the highest goal and redeamtion is self based.

the teachers are reading the blogger as I have sent it to maria hanna a mr weatherbee that gets to tech there at queen A for as long as she desiresa.
cause the rules changed for them and they offered me a sex prostitute teacher server, sexy, she was a tart. see?

the vice principal at the other school that I emergency substituted at was a rob lim. his future is that way
at grade 8 the children were good, playing ever quest, same school an astra double was arrested for going into the same bathroom I was told to use as a suibstitute, infact the story was a fake, cop car was outside the school protecting it every time I went there.
I took a piss and students thought it odd yet cool, yes they directed me to that bathroomn, the staff one was locked.

the grade 2's of babylon, remeber passing her is into new jeresulum
mom came out on time and the hiot new look is still mine.
children at grade four were playbg chess, but at grade two a ball kicked in the face made tears come and go away with a simple say your sotrry, then they would play again, in some cases stars from each grade were paraded in a gyn to show hem off
truth is it was an example of real students and thier levels , see the school had kindergarden tp grade 8.
thus one sees the collective upgrasde
its imminant as 17 and below are fully impressed with the upgrade while not fully beyond min\or diviations based on the corruption prior to my thetisis or placement in time
school board helped this happen as did police special services who helped to improve the education system
our cops


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