Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I krisna warned you you will die many deaths before we release you
see bagavatidta the universal form of god(s)
see german band " you will doie a thousand deaths before we ever let you ... die?)
so losers, scuds carried what isreal?
mad caw hits india, yes
white cow is white skin yes

no markings
I gave a boiok and stuff to magic now a bulletin board sitys acriooos the street
now hamas had enough
meaning peace comes or scuds produce the long awaited deases of ur our town tavern near my house
ur home oroigin of abraham
a pig ham
peasce isreal or death, by masny deaths, chose.
palistine the same thoughI had chosen thier side up to gazea and jerusulum was split and personally a land pridge opr road like that of berlin
nah cut it with water, ues
share the link

jew and isreal and palistinians of all races stood and marched for isreals independance, but alas the bad dirrty jew as my friend the actor once said, dies to -1.

why brothers abnd sisters together got thier wish and their sibling betraweed them
thus judgement falls yhard
yes we have time and for those like me wait to uise the sex server exepopt as fanatasy amnd video till after yyou can snap your fingure and two women appear from your one, otherwise you might have to do a greg
see he had two women then a guy had him
it was just his future wife as one, but he fears two nw like poison ivy
oh mr cpool am I see batman two

we masons are the suits, see we bought looks like fragrances, nothing dirty, but freeze as coolness upreme gets the ivy, I eat poison oak and ivy without repreciusions col eh?

now pakistan and idia whast did you do for peace asll radiation attacks in war of 98. china tiobet nah tawain, wars unseen, yes but be good, see the monkey rules there, a trick citizen comrad, for true power was divine sactioned thus the parties are safe
see ?
why the bible thing, war of god .
forcing something wiothour conscnt is odd, but whatever m,artyer makers, but I simply suggested and they listen cured them of thier nevous, us psycosis curesd too, no more mc doudals murders , mass muders, yes poor fucker weho pulled that trigger dies that many people times 2. 5 tomes after 98

so be good its easy. arabian knights are knights
sy\t johns gifts on a plater, not death
I read bible like god
not not a mortal yet to see the light

greeks and turns orks orcs

pigs good ones are
cyprus , trees of turks nightmare
killed ya right
set program
rape kill mother first
then daughter
then wigfe that suffer it again as you and then realise your fally
I love god
she rules.
he and she is it.
God g-oods.,
canada, cadurus go boom
yes, america rhode islandf long pass due
burn it baby
ah enjoy you guys are goiod you are still alive so stay good and become of the bramnayana, divine birth
see cruisna I was forst in 2001, and yes he wrote it as unity with me.
she too

see judgement has fallen past 91, going forwards too.


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