Wednesday, August 22, 2007

ok why did orwin do that? easy, how el;se could he prove it wasme?
see porposde that old guy was
suffered yes but he declared me the great teacher to the shagrin and hunbling of the strausians
the fruit and micheal was a chance to prove myself cunning enough to eat the fruit
keneth cannot say a thing about him, oh well
meaning bads
orwin was my dad figure I told him and how I lived emile but my parents were better, so as all followed I fought my way to explaining my ideas to him and won, we are friends,

reberto just did not believe me when I said someone else was going into the shop and doing things
think why would wayne of the store watch me every night? see? thus he got busted, and became like me, thus wayne is paying his dues

so in the end it was a victory for all
me here is a juicy anti val
I ghave a picture of fertility to des as arti and trul;y got greys anatimy as a tv show for it. oh
yes I eat my own beens using my own knife
sorry protagoras, prometheus and soon.
frienketien as the new promethgeus came from a chicago university student who after smoking up with me became brilliant
ahmy teavchers of all kinds rule
good night
oh happiness is better to vow to god than chasity
because evetually misery becomes so sweat its poure elated blessings
but chasity is good, I mean my record for masterbating in one day uis 14 times
see, orwin was purosful and this time judas passed as he just wanted to prove it as micheal did

same team, thier relatives, I think, family to me

in fact, I use orwins ideas a lot as micheals and reberto praises me as smasrtest man ever so, he really was kinda a lesser dis but cool
maimonedis is cool, but kenny unlike orwin does not remeber cabala being forbiden and only for the few after 40 years of age and marriage, slomo filled that in for me, but now its all judism
first it was achivba, the elf riding on christ and the laws
then moses then abraham then adam as me,
spo cool
relax we are fixing it
see creto was the correct one
truly that is the geek and god meeting comprehensive reality as dad .
overstand this, comprehend it and realise, why not work in a restaurant cause I am smart, prove it I didf then he offered thefruit anmd job, oh ya I work for u of T
and yesI get paid micheal knows that as they all do.


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