Monday, July 16, 2007

the reason the transcended are sealed aasnd hidden as to why my powers are not always constant as pertaining to miracles that one can see and thus be impressed, is that God wanted everyone to come up with thier own material, even when reading myt stuff , which helps get one there faster , thus I could not shoot lightning bolts out my fingures as everyone would then obey me as an authority before the various alteranitives are \created by which diversity is substanciatyed, plus this way you debate my ideas and grow from them more easily, once the seal is popened, more powers that we can show off appear, cool.
oh I believe christ was an excellent choice in avatar, why because he conquered death and his soul contains the surity of immortality necessary to be led to the tree of life. other bridges work and all avatars devil and christ grow from their link with us, they get better as we do, however some like budda need the bottisatvas to prove and substanciate immortality. the dioist use of poison definetly helps prove ones immortality and faith in god thus causing immortality and fruit to Aappear that is then proven to have been eaten by the same poisons, thus christ was a good avatar and uplink and truly helped lead me to the tree and p[ast satasn, as did zues and jupiter bacus and others.So if yopu use a uplink of one who died fix it with the idea of immortality. Cause the fruit is offered by many belief systems
to improve god start by improving your beliefs concerning god your religion, your friends ideas and look to the religions and sciences and knowledges to substanciate themthese are the actualised systems of god and new interpretations matter and cause systems toi be created, look to the established for guildance and the blocks of understanding to understand them asnd yourself. the ideas build worlds
arts and the like have worlds but you go to them as a fantasy unless yopu use them as I once used dude to decide the universal program in it. its the idea of its use that causes purging and prepairation of the system for use by others. dante for instance is a system one can use to reach
like I said some people create a universe or world that are thier home and others visit but do not use them as essencial code for eveolving themselves, you can see why many artists fit here, some offer them as a way to god and these people purge then extend their system and as it causes more people to upgrade, teaching good ideas and acting good by example help, one reaches the fruit of life and the fruits of progeneration which is part of that fruit.
some people get servers after deathg, esp if thier plain of iodeas is polpuylar and people begin to use it to foster more ideas, like mary shellys frienkienstien, how many dreams did it foster or dracular and so on.
we are getting closer to having the seal removed.
oh we create worldas I said on our plain and on other plains like a niegbourhood in the hindu city of god and so on. so we build on our plains many dimentions before getting more than one plain by unifying to other religions and so on.
I realised adam may have grown in length as more people were added to him, he is about 7.5 years long and this reflects the age of the universe as 7.5 billion years, see the book, its the amount of timne the uiniverse has spun on itself. thus 7.5 days reflected at various levels.


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