Saturday, August 04, 2007

wizzards code , meraning god code here, big walks coming
peace guys
yas that is for all my friends
thiose laughing we laugh alwaysd thus you will cry thus we wiill laugh last best.
laugh at us demons of the death program val
lisence to terminaste life accesed on trilacrown judgpersecution anbd excecitioner
see let god deal with them
I said love them all and let god sort them out
thank you innocent the iii, but you ordered a kill I am better
ohI am better than any book on mars or mercury
murcury is really smart you guys usually go war like first to masrs rsarths future in your evil places but to us a lush screen allowed to change on site till wew learn to fill it properly
I got a big valley therethje valley of gadss
mountaolypus is there, well party of it
get it
fire water earth air play it fair fire easrth water anmd golden light the egyptian spice of delight
burn the bad water dowen iot sow
it let it grow
wqizards bokjks fruit on their ownb in their program ghrwd
you can win within it and so on, but christ was onlky able to write without incription after 1999 as he adfvocatsdcd his throne as avatar to me his greater, butI did this in a way satan said 1 million years to fuitioin
thus think perfect typing servers
think pefect typing spheres so we can improve this as the insciptrions create perfect twins and then you can beat or join me for fum
Gopd bless cause fun is lord fu + n me as nick
ion is 10 nick varui\iable as val
you won meaningfIO beat the nicoleans in 98 and was declare d my father nick
]thus I was going to get more
more morte
the horned one is my dad nick
plusdI got called victor inm 98 afterthe psycologist said you need not my help, thank you nicodemus, no someone esle
big big guy
frued, ya jewsih
he said you do not need my help nor anyu doctors for you know my jib better than me
your free go be, sire as you do
big names ee?

life sowers zo so see syblbol writer albulm for leads to key ideas as house of the h9oly I just llives as st irbes crew is that scene
led zepilin meranis to lead you to ziping god programs.

see to get the mud idea you need atleast my garata and my jewish bulklshitsee you need to love all those you saw who taught meoh pre vals relax I upgrasded your programs, there is no way you can beat the server of god,I serv it out cold, and hot and luke warmget it nowactuially val used scienve and revolatioonms that is uitdid you rewad the bible back themnoit wass the first time I read anything in that odd booksop 20 pages to pure godhoodwell the walk with god was bibbera a mio\ountain and a pyramid take akll the ideas unify, merge and didtioguishlogods of logoisthin thinkl againto trumpto prove superiorityI w\onder which one ogf my children will beat me, at leat onceforever morewe have such funits getting betterspless of the hrearth'spels of the earthya twins was the keyatlantis is always ruled by twinssee time life mystical placesI fell in love with the cavbe of wizardry or druidiotryyes thier city ghhere too (gheere sounds persian, see the codes in here)
wall writinfs foods from hands o\f the esrth,m in the berlly of the dragon or a caver of gasdfamned lovedad mom is cool too, ya but they need to realise I fear her thuisI say go thatwaymeaning listen to benher as much as ben himdid you get thast, otrr did you think men and women did not hurt the same as my m,other would saydpo they not have a soul, do they not cry do they not smile]yes mother you are rightwhat did a red chicken bore the,monly iof they were the golden age.thank you foprever.

oh wizards stuff are self coded


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