Thursday, August 02, 2007

make different types of these servers, derition, evil, hate( these can be combined as those for drive)
sex streams, grow with subservers
like s and m
thus the subway anolagy for s and m actually is a subserver.

alana was family compact
ronnald groves was too
so was bob butt
canadian immortals
witches I sensed, made great love with thier server as witches of the same circle. very virtues for spell casters, no bad moves.
it was one of them that loved my compassion and caring for her children
alenas mom would hear her dad call from their grave yard and has been arested there
she saw the miracle of the angel annoucing her child. hypothesis suns, strong heroes and links to mankind.

oh humanity said we only believe in man, cult of humanity
nah we believe man will be god thus we push the avatars to improve it all.

history gives you wild stories for sex drives, like satyrs getting a fantasy to run through forests raping any nymph you find
real myth
but spirits are his wife or her husband, cool eh
how about quenn victorias orgies, or robin festivals where all children are brought up collectively and named Robin for the bird God.
batman and robin, now that is kinky.
get it dark one and the festival of sex, robin really is a girl on my world and batman does her all the time
yes I think clean
camra sutra is a sex server plus look into it to see how the streams reward you acadfemically for doing so

I knew bob as a child and 20 years later he was ageless. warlock, ( I think they use this term) family compact created the ciovenat of canda as loyalist. I am of thier circle, bless you alena and relax I know you are a serpent as in a dream you gasve me a dragons tee shirt and you told me your father toold you to come by and see me, sands and ginns here. she came out of the jilly strip joint in the dream where the sands were and great kllayed there( dead)

I went by the grave yard and released the vampires, two white ghosts went by and thanked me, when I got home my bro points to the tv as blade the movie is first advertised and said its you, as in Val.

mirean is a character from the bible for those who did not know, see old testiment. very sexy.
vampires maybe, donald lived here, hubdreds of children , and yes one run upo the back just to see A winner, thus I made him a winner too, for just that he won my heart.

new compact saves themn from persecution
good folks upgrading.
this covenant is based on belief of God and the power of spirit to unify a lasnd, natives love them.

alena is the helen who gave me the allah al code to decifer it as el
really it is all
et al
got it
sorry all the rest is nations interfaces.
they even can laty dead or wounded
the white ghosts said thank you
many vampires here, but really undead wass an old word for immortal unless the body is animated and controled by a servber, like the sex one god, ya. and program actuated forms of the plays or fantasies you play out.

for me knowldge is the wisdom of life
full point score on thast one, many ways top live in heaven scoring good karmas, god points and so on, the towerrs cost money
yet val simplified it into credit systems that are actually part of the servers I link with and thus link to greater servers.
this is for those who care to buiold. the others build by just being good and themselves. all we ask
well go beyond yourself when you desire.

I have a god of gods cobvenant
actually its called the God of the god of gods program, masde of all the gods , us and gfod to produce what god and we wanted
cool eh?

see I sent love and understanding to my hebrew and muslim and paestinian and christian servers and marian rewarded me, I did the same with the pacif area and they rewarded me, so my system out rewards you back at leartt twice over depending who you are, even the good people who just want to live peacefully reward me by being and thus I will reward them with gifts , see its m,y serrver its on auto GOD love
so are yours, feel it
it healsd
oh masons took my healer upthe mountain
I got throuygh discordia
bueatiful plan. gate, more , trust me there is more to find.
he went straight to the throne of god, man was he amazing and we created new ways two.
family compact is Canada.
donald groves is sir

first prime minister of canda, he l;ast her . mine, now you will bow, for all you did. see tenant eviction of donald groves. see they fell the day they attecked me, look cops topick val up, sorry cops look for them like fugatives of a criminal nature
see you went agasinst your covemant,you gave me the circle
\donalds is a moron as stupid as george washinton
alena was brilkoiant
my son thrpugh god in here is now at least
the shirt means they make me a dragomn
love thy for as you know I have a scared mound near by and have frolliced naked in it with angels guarding its western entrance, see I put the dragon shirt I owe from way back on a tree as the serpent
the words freedom appeasred on the bridge
the pack is soplid, relax. its being upgraded and judged.
when god promises a christ remain patient, he will impregnate you
funn the child is black yet has my dna. " I brought you a prostitute" said god as he knew peole would talk.
A blessed upgrade
for now and forever , and upon the ages of ages amen. praise all the gods and godesses.


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