Wednesday, August 08, 2007

look asll jews are ben, fisr tribe of jewsih men
armeniss of gigo land

st petrtrs daugfhter cwas the power child, lookk heal, and unheal,see peterI told youI and she will be the greatest test, attempt not tenmp man, dan and christians dan is tribe of jew
ben den na
den is no gaqte in greece,kone gate, acroppolis is at the ennd or edge of the world
thus here theebe dragoions all temples were always on, but non universals bable due to laclk k of languagem backward makes in bablkes fable
this is dan fiorst and last yes, den yoy dsee oden as I doi?
yes greek , true
elans basl
ben hadar, ovios, so jacon walked into mecha land, machine land to make a truput thast used real physiucsm see god and physics change and get better togeter
easties relativity of two cars is the masking idea, but hewnever got thast... no, but now look at his book
the grow,

step up as knights norse
see knights oof god
angelsd with lances like hamarabu\y of the sumur golden knife club of doctors and farmers who splice dna.

oh izekials walk ios truly as all prophets and christs and moihasmeds, baffalo chicks with spice, elonez
no look artemis your bro is real, but probably a true old connection thsat needed to be cleaned of thesins of his nation, so cerculmsize him, call him your own, cut his from the garbage and throiughj it into a fusion reactor like that of the future, back when micheal j fox dod noyt shake the keaf oine maple tree of greece
in grrek maple and pine iuse the same name. get it>?
so benjamite story worked, it turnmed m,e on right
as christ as parents did
but he realkly is artificial insemination asdsthe movie one says many diferentoccations turned into one
alioens tyoo
yas ral folowers
look I even made thierlleaders me, by giving them the nameI need to foolthe natyions one last time before the realise the time, tick tick tick
is this giod ,yes
but, relax we all are, real, get it
fine dine line ryme
line ryme sign time running m sleeping giantsare peole who slleep and recieve power
true it see,s thatap[lles dreams is the truith the giantys he was called in 98.
titan older ass greeks hasve key to abyss hades abyss is hades, no just one level verses the endlkess bottyom we build intoo
at universal sphere mentate val, ben kanoby is god as ben elohim is chruist the son of god and thus the powrrs iof him is mine as I am ben, the guy who lide, bveen there dine that, thusIlied not cause my rule bric rubics cube was made to not fail, but stay goosdd, cause you must become a diasmond too, I wraped the gold of chrisoivantoes irene'
irenbe means peasce in grerek so my irene sister the forgoten waone was arteis, but look I speared a fuich, as clamnm jumpoed out causeI believed. bhuddah trick rules bricks are squares made of such poewrs
see the rymes are the teasththst bite this
all gods and lines gave me key boards with sysmbols thus I look not at scream as snbaker heads anbd bridges , snaskles and swuitches, machines of mayas and norse ifestos vulcan,
see these two are real girls but see how the pattern ran and as each became oner with it the programcreated them , so make good chimreras and stories,
hineyt of god smerfs farts laught
dave then oden
uyyatome fatists was right about dan he than ancint too, for they are able tpo the knes I know
kaning singaspore
you are kane the losers , for what ancient idiot kanes a kind for spiting or writing his name as vandels who wrere godsa did
that was all they did fpor real
you chose evil for arule brick of god, temple there
rule brick gems walls metals here
see edison made lightbulb and his dream was tyouched by god to havelight go on before it did as helo above
rule bricks sit inder the floor as the foundation
thus masons of valsd adam was of dan greek decent as child ioof srtemis and rama too, fort gos exist before their creaturesomce come they are timeless, but know thety aklk live

sartemis suster is the nuns suinatly name not the one from syria , but names are important anbd kinks are good
]aretimus repesents her forgot en names, and maybe her and ger sisted names, both called grand mas
st peter thsat is your power made manifestas your daughter, dreams to realioty
in ega\lsand they uise to burn dead bodies to send them to mordor to retiurn to klife den after
see fist adam for jew of tribe of ben. ben fathered you and look I sewnd the best to blessd you and fucvk you over to get a king, so christ we rule
healk. soon come lus others.,good night

saw two new places closing my esyes hardwirced
healing was there, started by saying haidies is haite\s and nothing mpore
of in heavy metakl dan tells youI came from here , now , as I fathered man as valandannitghts knights of gin maschines,
arab juice is viniger, not real viniger dumbies of god, vessles of god yes
just lkess priome as in cold places but really good thour
circuit board method and sheres boelwed out trulky is the story I see
think clohing making and types to maker rubric easy as you try to changte these thoughts into machanical or computer or internet images.
see dune is coming to life asI am using miohameds stuff of geneology its mine actuakll, for satar trave\l
map out world
kosmos , yes simbal
yes universe is kosmpoos people yes
it is lotes of things incuding powers and so on. try wrint one word or sentece on pages you havedreamt of haVING they growm saher ythem with circkle or write tme as wisdom
done....wll see wwii
moonlight children truly love roman system of logic. organised too.


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