Monday, August 27, 2007

the joseph delema
see god thought if I fuck mary who I cauight in a legal benmjamite cotest and thus was married as were the bejamites and thier wives as explained by the stars daughters fasther, then we can get a king is they do not have sex as these twqo did not
thus truly they were both sexually unexperienced, virgin I am as it means young, but trick was to make everyone feel and be young forever.

now whgta if god after the marraige ceremony I fuck her and the first time she gets pergante
nothing ass I toild you you only fuck your wife, clicking the pouzzle of various children makes you realise how after we fuck as gods with other names
children will know now forver, meaning jesus has many children of various methods inluding me through radiation batosm and holy communion and holy apples of my st name
fertility drugs are god

same rule as apples

p[otion of nasture is as good as her potion of love and stuff they took as nobles to make them immune to poisions
ha ha
st irenechrysovalatyou was a druggiy who took the real potion and touched the shroudm her dad's blood in on it
lets resserect her and them by cloning
as promised in 98 new teavcm using all the old too
cool eh
even a team appearing as just newwith old hiden in it.

pick one is fine.

so god what if she gets preganate while we are fuvking before I shoot cum, pre cum can do that
then you broke the no sex during preganacy rule thus to bring the messiah requested in benmjamin as temple wrote lavicicus asavatar of god itself
hamarabi deseetrt babylonia medicine god
code thast
thus only a virgin biryh fulfils thier lawsa and desire for king, but they said musdt be of mnan and women/
then its us the twins of god or vals or whatever suited you to see that we won as they chose me and you have thus we chose you
go be great as earlier conclusion said
good night
song of ravemnn as aunt lanor means that was thierravens call program, means its real, ass divine song too, gods will was this type of justice
thnk you guys and relax all can help by helping those around them and optimising themselves
if crazy peoplew are in heaven said aristotle then only fake gods like me diaonisus diagenuis , well my fiorst birth was in 1971 dec 31. but alas you are rigfht socrates as crazy and insane must be divine as we stand in the place gods stand beding thefields of plains conttyunium,sd of sincie univerbational
good night


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