Saturday, August 25, 2007

dad;s song is protests are good if no violence poccures but chill people be and act safe, fires harm those who did it to themselves as self arsenists, cool, thier own ambers

ok if I made a deck of terat from my experience the earth would cantain a sex godess a vampire was the fool? get it?
empty stores are a wolrd,
marriage was a water double.

when I read terot or tea leaves or a coffee cup its like reading such a program like orgnised fractuals or forned chaos which is rule bricks reflected as awholes but are part of a greater whole that includes the way they reflect in the individuial.

thus lloking at any vista even a dirty room and oir hearing a car torro or torque is parts of a program and its entirty formed in a focus as its dsitict energy yet linked inversely and in other ways invisible to a single whol;e which is at least two and is of course many more
there quantuum pohysics and field theory unified again,
Universal quntumm was in from of me as his wife qused became my mary and my chidrens mom as sex does that is couples you know.


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